Writing a Letter

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone.  It is easy to get to the point and text message someone, or send them a quick email., but when is the last time you truly sat down with a pen and paper and wrote a letter to a friend.  A fellow blogger friend of mine, has taken Lent to send a letter to a family member each week.  I thought this was a great idea.

I have four older brothers and one younger sister and sometimes our lives get so busy that we can go weeks without talking to one another.  Sometimes with siblings that I am not as close to, when I call them, there is a lot of silence.  And to mark this silence, one of us will usually use the phrase, ” so what else is going on?”  Usually with those individuals we have missed so much of what is going on in one another’s life that it is easier just to say “not much” and move on. Or in other cases you are afraid they will judge you for what ever it is that is going on in your life that you purposely leave it out.

But conversations are two-sided and to keep them running smoothly it takes two parties and a subject.  With writing a letter, it is all you.  Which in my case is easy-I could talk to a wall and still have a somewhat stimulating conversation-for others it’s not so easy. My goal for the next couple of days is to sit down and write a letter, it doesn’t have to be world-changing it just has to be a nice note to someone that says, ” Hey, I’ve missed you” or “I’ve been thinking about you”-who knows who is going to get this letter- so check your mailboxes! Hehe!