Modifying Tyler’s Art

Those of you who know me or have gotten to know me know that I am extremely OCD about certain things.  Unfortunately for Michael he met the wrath of my obsessive compulsive disorder this afternoon rather innocently (looking back of course!)

The babysitter likes to do little art projects with the kids for holidays and they make cute take home projects. Yesterday, Tyler made an Easter Bunny with a clear bowl for a belly that is meant to hold candy.  It has a styrofoam ball for the head, with ears attached and little feet that it stands on and it is holding a cute little basket with two little decorated Easter eggs in it.  Michael made the same one when he was three years old and every Easter I set it out with my decorations.

So today Tyler made one and I have to say he was very proud of it! When he handed it to me he told me, “be careful not to take the ears off!”  I brought it in the house and displayed it proudly on the kitchen counter. I explained several times to Michael who was jealous that he didn’t get to make one because he was at school that I have the one he made and we will get it out with the rest of the Easter decorations.

On to homework.  I am multi tasking as usual, cooking supper at the stove and calling out spelling words for Michael to write on the dry erase board.  I look over and see Michael doodling on something with his dry-erase marker and I instantly know it is Tyler’s bunny.  I startle him and ask what he thinks he’s doing and he replies,” What? It needed eye brows!” There on Tyler’s cute little bunny is a giant blue dot above the right eye-“GO TO TIMEOUT!” Michael runs to his room crying.

I am so mad! Tyler comes in the kitchen and asks what Michael did.  So I explain to my just-turned three-year old that Michael drew on his bunny.  Tyler’s response was, ” Oh, why he didn’t have eyebrows?” He is so cute-I can just kiss him! Of course, Tyler doesn’t care that his bunny has a blue dot-he’s THREE! But it is the whole point-Michael is much like me-okay he is my Doppelganger! If someone drew on something Michael created just like me he would sob hysterically and cry that his artwork was ruined forever.

I made Michael apologize to Tyler, though Tyler could have cared less and Michael didn’t think he did anything wrong because, “really Mom-it needs eyebrows!”