I want that for my birthday!

Tyler, being the comical little two-year old he is, has been saying, “I wunt dat fo my birday!” since Michael had his birthday in August. Everything from toys for babies, to video games, you name it and Tyler wants it for his birthday.

Tyler’s birthday isn’t even until February so we have been trying to teach him to say, “I like that!” or “Maybe I could ask for that for Christmas”, etc.  So the toy catalogs with Christmas advertisements come in the mail. Michael circles pretty much everything, like myself who as a child would leave page numbers for Santa-to make it easy-just get me everything on this page!  Tyler will randomly point to something and say, “Ooh! I wun dat fo my birday!”

Last night, after everyone was in bed, Jeff stayed up and watched the CNN Republican Debate.  Not surprising!  He is the head of his high school history department and unlike my family, comes from a staunch Democratic family-yes, it makes for eventful arguments and bickering at all family get togethers!

All the books you see at the library and at bookstores on political views and commentary that you wonder-My God! Who actually reads this stuff for fun?? That would be my husband! He reads stuff on both parties, mostly to load himself on ammunition to shoot at unsuspecting victims who accidentally starts a conversation regarding Presidents, politics, foreign policies, you name it!

Anyway, back to Tyler.  He was sleeping nice and soundly in his little footie jammies in bed with Michael when around 10 p.m. or so he awoke and meandered into the living room for a quick snuggle with Daddy.  He climbed onto Daddy’s lap and began watching the debate-if a two-year old can do such a thing. Jeff said that Jon Huntsman Jr (someone I myself had to actually look up his name because I am so embarrassingly out of the loop on politics, candidates, etc-due to my joy for just being wittingly unknowing for safety’s sake!) was speaking and Tyler just started laughing and laughing.  You know the two-year old belly laugh that is more contagious than the stomach flu in a kindergarten class room!

And when the man was finished speaking, Tyler turned to Jeff, looked him in the eyes and said,” Daddy, I wunt him fo my birday!”


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