Quotes from Parents

If you are reading this, it is pretty safe to assume that you had parents (at least of some sort and in some sort) If you are anything like me, you probably swore to prove them and their quotes wrong! Growing up with four older brothers and a younger sister and multiple animals-it seems we were always being warned about something.

“Don’t play with that, you’ll poke somebody’s eye out!”-guess what, Mom-no one’s eye got poked out!! And only once did I see a guy with a patch over his eye with a shirt on that said,”Mom was right! I poked out my own eye!”

“Finish your supper, there are starving kids in Africa” The only thing that comes to mind is why does my full stomach make them less hungry. I even replied one time, “Let’s box it up and mail it to them!” I spent many nights alone long after dinner looking at my cold plate of food or waiting for the milk in my glass to disappear.

“Do you think money grows on trees?” I didn’t and still don’t care where the money comes from as long as I have it, I am happy!!

“You keep making those faces, your face is going to freeze that way!” Hehe. Can you imagine what life would be like today if children’s faces really froze in all the various faces made!! We might all feel alot better about ourselves!

“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” I think the entire world and Facebook population is still trying to learn this one!

“Do you think you were born in a barn?” I don’t actually remember where I was born or what the place looked like, I can only go by what you told me….so, maybe I was?

and of course, “I’ll give you something to cry about!” Depends, are you going to tell me something really sad, or hurt me?

….and my Dad’s all time favorite,”Do you need a hook in your a$$?” in regards to leaving the door open-it only took until I was 33 years old to figure out that the hook was to close the door after you walked out! LOL


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